Beach Stones The random beauty of North Shore Long Island's beach stones. Oil paintings by Hank Grebe.
North Shore Silkscreens Silkscreen prints from my photographs of scenery around Setauket and Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY
Cave Paintings Oil paintings on rough textured base on canvas based upon cave paintings discovered in Chauvet and Lascaux.
Terak Serigraph Series Mandala-like serigraphs (silkscreen prints) made with the assistance of graphics software run on a Terak computer.
Bits and Dots Serigraph Series Hand stenciled color field serigraphs influenced by Albers, Vasarely and the repetitive nature of computers.
Personal Connections Collages Collages composed of personal ads from the early 90's, well before the popularity of Internet dating.
35mm Film Photography Gallery of photos licensed for permission to use in books, films, stock photography and websites.